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(This is a 'quick and dirty' translation of one of two documents
(which were written in German originally) that came along with the compiler.
* *
* Modula-2 68K for the Macintosh *
* *
Pre-Release 4/25/85
(This compiler is based on earlier versions for different types of hardware
written by several people at the ETH Zuerich.
The Macintosh version is beeing written by Peter Fink and Franz Kroenseder
at the 'Institut fuer Informatik, ETH Zuerich'. (MA))
The three disks contain a Pre-Release of Modula-2 for the Macintosh.
The library does not yet allow access to all of the Macintosh's
ROM-Routines, but it is in a coherent and usable state. Compiler and linker
work reliably.
Real numbers are implemented and transcendental functions exist in the
library. The library contains routines that allow formatted reading
and writing from/to keyboard, screen and files.
The elementary graphics routines in the Macintosh ROM are accessible. You
may also use keyboard and/or mouse for input.
'Rules of the game'
This compiler is provided to you on a as-is basis, i.e. we are still working
on it but nevertheless you may already use it.
We can't give you any further documentation, neither on our programs
nor on the internals of the Macintosh (except the disk M2-Doku).
The disks contain ALL the Software that is available for the moment.
We DON'T give any further support.
Don't give away the compiler for commercial purpouses, especially no
(This is not a product. There is no warranty for anything. Except that the
people who wrote it, did their best (MA))
Description of the disks contents
There are the three disks: M2-System, M2-Doku and MODLIB.
M2-Doku: This is a bootable documentation disk.
EDIT : Text Editor to read and print the text files.
(as the Editor is a copyrighted product I didn't supply it
with the compiler. But as you are able to read this, I
assume, you found some other way to access the files (MA))
Introduction : the text that you're just reading.
GUIDE.TEXT : Description of the compiler and linker covering all
options and switches. Description of the Modula-2 dialect
the compiler is working with.
DEF1 Folder : This Folder contains the .DEF Files of all library
Conversions : number formatting
InTerminal : input of numbers
M2Files : file I/O using characters and words
MathLib0 : transcendental functions and square root
MathLib1 : more functions, pi and random numbers
OutFile : output of numbers to a file
OutTerminal : output of numbers to the user
RealTerminal : input/output of real numbers
Storage : dynamic memory management using a heap
Terminal : input/output, cursor positioning (input is also
simulating ASCII, for example Command+X=CAN,
QuickDraw : Access to the Quickdraw routines
EventMgr : event manager of the Mac, interface to mouse and
DEF1 Folder : This Folder contains the .DEF Files of special modules:
Clock : clock interface
Loader : loading and execution of overlays
MCLookup : filename dialog (as used in compiler and linker)
Options : service modul for MCLookup
PascalStrings: conversions between Macintosh- und Modula-2 strings
SFPackage : filename dialog (as used in MacWrite or EXEC)
(MiniFinder (MA))
OSConstants : numbers of Macintosh error messages, halt index,
some bomb ID numbers
MODLIB: This disk contains all the files needed in order to compile and
------ link, i.e. the compiler, the linker and the library
m2comp : compiler
m2link : linker
Folders : overlays, .SYM und .LNK files
- Do *not* change the name of the disk (MODLIB). Otherwise the compiler
won't work.
- The disk may be write protected.
- There are some .LNK files without corresponding .SYM files. Don't
delete these files. (secondary import)
- As you duplicate the disk, m2comp and m2link sometimes are not copied.
So you'll have to do this manually (This never happened to me (MA))
- When linking, during the linker dialog always specify the /D option
to save disk space (for the moment there is no debugger anyway (MA))
M2-System: This bootable disk contains the Editor (again I did not provide
--------- it (MA)) the runtime application EXEC (Loader) and some example
EXEC : runtime application to run Modula-2 programs.
You may click on a Modula-2 program (as m2comp,
m2link or *.LOD) or just on Exec. With the editor
you may choose Exec directly from the TRANSFER menu
Exec lets you select a program from a file window
After execution of the program you will return
here. Click on CANCEL to quit and return to the
LISACONVERT : Application to convert textfiles from the Lisa
Examples : Some example programs in .MOD and .LOD format. You
may delete these in order to get room for your own
- On this disk there must be enough space for the compiler's and
linker's workfiles. Sometimes you will have to throw away
some old .LOD files as old versions are not overwritten until
m2comp and m2link finished their job completly.
- To compile and link MODLIB and Exec have to be online. To execute
the programs you only need Exec. There is no need to have the
M2-Doku disk online to work with the compiler.
How to start?
- Put the disks M2-System and MODLIB into the drives and boot. Click
on the document PiRandom.MOD. It will appear in the Editor which
will be loaded automatically. Choose EXEC from the TRANSFER menu.
(this won't work unless you rename Exec512 to Exec. Don't try it
with Exec128 as there just isn't enough memory on a 128 kBytes Mac
to run the compiler / linker (MA)). Soon Exec will appear. In the
File window you can see the executable Modula-2 programs. m2comp
and m2link have to be visible. If not, click on the DRIVE button.
Now select m2comp and open it. The compiler dialog starts:
source file> pirandom <RETURN> <--- Type this
After a while compilation will finish. Press any key to return to
the file window. You may now choose m2link. Type the following
when the linker dialog starts:
master file> pirandom/D <RETURN> <--- Type this
Press any key when the linker finished. Now you can select and open
pirandom.LOD from the file window (if you can't find it, click
the DRIVE button. The input following hereafter will be passed to
the program (pirandom). You return to the file window by typing
some 'Q'. There you may select another program or return to the
desktop by choosing CANCEL.
Thats all folks… (at least for the moment (MA))
(All comments marked with (MA) are my own opinions / comments. Matthias Aebi)